Step Into My Sessions: It’s all about perspective!

OK, that scorpion in my bathroom sink looks pretty big to me, but how big must I look to him?

Perspective taking. Considering situations from the view of others. Many of us spend quite a bit of time working on perspective taking with our students. Perspective taking is one of the components of empathy – so it’s an important starting point for many of our students. 

Reflecting on our behavior, and perhaps considering options or “better choices” can be made easier with visual information. That’s why I encourage many students to sketch. A drawing allows thought and reflection, as we are, literally, faced, with what occurred. 

Sometimes, it’s helpful for a student to draw out a moment of unkindness for just such reflection. Without an illustration, verbal discussion quickly becomes too abstract, and morphs into just so many (too many!) words. Recently, a 7th grader sketched an interaction involving some remote control “play” with their younger brother:

This is a wonderful sketch because of its honesty. The situation is clearly outlined with just some very simple lines. The emotions are spot on. This drawing is a terrific first step along the path of greater emotional understanding. And, while we will certainly focus on understanding of others, I am sure understanding of self will be part of this student’s journey. 

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

― C.G. Jung

As we begin 2025, I hope it is starting smoothly for all of you, and that, whatever challenges come your way, you will find strength and support with those you love.


2025 - Another Good Year of Work Ahead!


Meeting our Students Where They are Today