Office Hours
Office Hours are a monthly Zoom session where fellow clinicians can pop in to ask me questions, make comments, or just come by to get acquainted.
The monthly time changes as I try to accommodate all time zones, so there are lots of options (see below).
Sometimes there is a group, and sometimes it’s just one person, so please don’t feel put off if you come into the meeting and it’s just you and me! Some people have been surprised to find no one else there!
Please come on by - hope to meet you soon!
Upcoming Sessions:
September 27th | 5:30 PM PST | 7:30 PM CST | 8:30 PM EST
Games – How many mental state verbs can we include?
October 17th | 2 PM PST | 4 PM CST | 5 PM EST
Helping our students set conversational goals in an ND affirming way
November 5th | 12 PM PST | 2 PM CST | 3 PM EST
SocialScales – supporting students in setting personal goals – sneak peek at SocialScales
December 15th | 6 PM PST | 8 PM CST | 9 PM EST
Critical Core – always a great topic
January 14th | 1 PM PST | 3 PM CST | 4 PM EST
Modifying Games – open to those who have viewed Playing Outside the Box
February 27th | 9:00 AM PST | 11 AM CST | 12 PM EST
SocialScales – individualizing and modifying Scales – open to those who have purchased SocialScales
March 26th | 7 PM PST | 9 PM CST | 10 PM EST
So, how is your conversation work going this year?
April 29th | 1 PM PST | 3 PM CST | 4 PM EST
Staying on our toes – figuring out how to modify a game – open to those who have viewed Playing Outside the Box
May 14th | 12 PM PST | 2 PM CST | 3 PM EST
Wrapping up the year – let’s connect!