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Enhancing Social Learning with the Power of Visual Tools
Leveraging Visual Aids for Optimal Social Learning
A list of videos to jumpstart observations and discussions about wishing. I like how these videos contain specific moments and examples of wishing – differentiated from wanting, which often is reflected in active attempts. Wishing is more…ethereal, less visible.
Tons of video recommendations to get you started!
I have listed my favorite Maca and Roni videos with brief descriptions. With most Maca and Roni, you can use them following a simplified story line for beginning social thinkers, or on a more sophisticated level with more advanced students. My list starts with the original 3, but be sure to enjoy them all!
Download a list of my top Mental State Verbs
Preview the first chapter!
Screens, Students, and ASD Tips for Meeting Your Child's Needs During COVID-19
We all need some entertaining relief as many of us are putting our toe in teletherapy for the first time! Here are my top 10 animated video recommendations for social learning.
Get your computer, smartboard, or iPad ready for my top video recommendations for social learning! Many of these provide fabulous material to use when working on narrative. These are in no particular order. Enjoy!
Subscribe to find a list of my top game recommendations to help students with social learning!
Comeback Kids: Building Resilience in Students with ADHD
Full Index of ADDitude Webinars / Podcast Episodes & Slides by Date
“Improve Your Child’s Social Smarts with YouTube, Video & Board Games” with Anna Vagin, Ph.D.
YouTube and the Art of Cooperation: Practicing Collaboration with Videos
“Beyond Hello: Building Conversation Skills in Children with ADHD” with Anna Vagin, Ph.D.