The Holidays = opportunities for stuck…

The flip side of flex. . . stuck

Ah, yes. Holidays - a time of differences. Different schedules, food, expectations, beds… Sometimes even disappointments and challenges. When we find ourselves in some of these moments, we may become, well, stuck. Like stuck in cement. Perhaps quickly hardening cement. Hmmm, what to do?

While last time I talked about flex, this is the blog about STUCK. This concept is just as abstract as flex! While our students are often told to be flexible, there are times when stuck is a good choice – when we might need to fight for what we believe is right. So complicated!

Here are some activities to help your students “explore their stuck.”

Let’s (of course!) start with some videos. Fun to watch, and fun to learn from. After you watch these, talk about what everyone noticed about STUCK:

Remember, if you are as big a fan of Maca & Roni as I am, grab your Maca & Roni Super Social Learning Spreadsheet – you’ll be ready for lots of terrific viewing in January!

After discussing the complexities of STUCK, ask your students to DRAW! Always ask permission from the student before adding anything to their sketch – it shows respect for their work. I often add explanations since I share so many sketches with audiences. It may not be needed with your students. Either way, you will get great info:

Allowing our students to draw their experiences helps them keep all this complex info in working memory – and allows so much more learning.

Let me know how your explorations go! Coming up in January: helping our students move between flex and stuck.


The Holidays = opportunities for flexibility…


So many great animations…